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How to duplicate a VST on Mac?

Ok, the trick was to find the ID in reverse, as explained here: So if you want to duplicate your AU/VST (I only tested VST, but ...
zguo38953's user avatar
1 vote

how 2 audio inputs are joined?

Do not try to connect the inputs electronically - it will not work, as your sources will all have different impedances. You would always use a mixer. They range from very cheap to very expensive, but ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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One Audio Interface and Multiple DAW

You can always use Jack to route audio between Applications in your computer. Then you can connect not only both DAWs but every other App in your computer (even iTunes or your web browser)
maxiestudies's user avatar
1 vote

What's the right (low cost) equipment for a two-person in-person interview setup?

One setup that I've found to work pretty well is an all-in-one field recorder, such as a Zoom H6 or a Tascam Digital Portastudio. Such devices can often be found for cheaper than the cost of a full ...
fluffy's user avatar
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What's the right (low cost) equipment for a two-person in-person interview setup?

Have you actually TRIED recording with a phone in your conference room? If you identify exactly where is the microphone and hold it around 8 inches from the subject's mouth you may be surprised how ...
Richard Crowley's user avatar

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