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Unanswered Questions

871 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
16 votes
0 answers

Pro Tools Problems?

I'm making a Pro Tools “Community Wiki” on here since we seem to get a lot of Pro Tools related tech questions. It seems a bit unnecessary to clog this place up with tech issues where the info can be ...
11 votes
1 answer

Live control of rewired application parameter using MIDI controller in Ableton

I am running Reason rewired through Ableton Live. I would like to be able to control one of the parameters of a Subtractor Synthesiser within Reason whilst rewire is active. The actual parameter is a ...
7 votes
5 answers

DVDs with Original Theatrical Mix for Reference?

First time poster here: I've just begun to learn post-production sound, and I'm at the mixing stage for a short film that is going to be sent out to some festivals. I'm mixing in stereo at a decent ...
6 votes
0 answers

What's does a typical workflow for a "Netflix series" or so look like?

I'm creating a quote to work on the sound postproduction for a series for Netflix. This is a Drama/Thriller 14 episode series, 45 mins each, with very few to none short action scenes, and I was ...
6 votes
2 answers

Repair audio file without header

We recorded the audio of a rather long meeting of a couple of hours on a phone. Someone forgot to turn off sound recording at the end of the meeting, and the phone must have turned off due to low ...
6 votes
2 answers

TC electronic g major 1 / sysex

I have a TC Electronic G Major gathering dust for quite some time now. The problem is that due to its heavy use over the years, a lot of knobs etc. are broken. But otherwise the unit works perfectly ...
6 votes
4 answers

Help recreating a synthesized hit sound

Any pointers of recreating the sample at the beginning of this MDX composition with a synth(preferably Harmor or Massive): ?...
6 votes
1 answer

How to configure Lexicon Omega as a main soundcard?

I bought the Lexicon Omega to use as my mixer (primary soundcard) with my PC running Windows 7. At my desk, I need to use the Lexicon Omega as my primary soundcard to connect PC sound to my speakers, ...
5 votes
2 answers

Logic Pro X jumps back when starting recording

In Logic, the main track view is suddenly jumping back to the beginning of the track (or clip?) when I hit record, even though record begins from later on project. If I enable the Auto-Follow it then ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to bind midi input to a track in Logic Pro

I connected my Yamaha e-piano to my Mac and can jam to any software instrument in Logic Pro. The piano always sends MIDI input to the currently selected track, which is convenient somehow. But as soon ...
4 votes
3 answers

How do I make a recording of a group of people playing a tabletop rpg?

I'm in front of small challenge. I'll be recording group of 6 people playing tabletop RPG. They'll be all sitting at one table but game master (person who narrates thru game) will be hidden behind his ...
4 votes
7 answers

Sound Design: any sound effects library with rolling ball bearing sounds?

Does anyone know of a sound effects pack or website that contains a decent set of rolling ball bearing/hardball (e.g marbles etc.) sounds? I'm specifically looking for a ball rolling along a small ...
4 votes
1 answer

Managing comments in Ableton Live

Looking for a method to add and manage comments in my composition. I'm familiar with adding a marker text, edit info view text, and insert text to lesson file techniques. Tried quite many VST but ...
4 votes
1 answer

Your sound library recommendations

Hey guys, searched the forum and noticed we still don´t have a thread that gathers up the very best from sound libraries to a single place accompanied by your recommendation and brief explanation why ...
3 votes
0 answers

Audio delay (several minutes) solution

Trying to find a solution for an audio delay/buffer device (in the order of 10-15 minutes or so). I have an analog audio source providing line level audio which I want to delay by a fixed amount (we'...

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