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How to record high quality vocal with Adobe audition

Without more specific information I can only offer you a generalised suggestion: A good microphone goes a long way to getting an accurate recording but that doesn't always mean it sounds good or fits ...
7HzResearch's user avatar
2 votes

mixing bass issues

This is actually a classic mistake most people do. And it really affects the outcome. Most of the times it's the plugin , the harmonic content added by the plugin OR the beef in that particular Hz ...
frcake's user avatar
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How do I make my songs sound more clear?

As @ibonyun is saying in his comment, very often, the problem here is the monitoring. When a mix sounds acceptably "fresh" on your monitors (no matter if headphones or speakers) but lacks ...
philburns's user avatar
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Speaker noises when computer falls asleep. Doesn’t everyone have this problem? How do I fix it?

Solved- I got a Mackie Big Knob passive($60) and it solved the issue..
aurochs's user avatar
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Speaker noises when computer falls asleep. Doesn’t everyone have this problem? How do I fix it?

The "fix" is to get an interface that doesn't do this, or never let the machine sleep. I have a similar problem with dynAudio BM6a's in that when the interface switches, the 400w bi-amps ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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How do video editors do audio downmix?

Simply multiply each sample with a factor and then sum it to get the output sample. In the example, if you want to create a new mono signal out: out(t) = f1 x mono(t) + f2 x left(t) + f3 x right(t) ...
ghellquist's user avatar
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How to get good at Music Production?

I doubt any two people do it the same way, but ultimately it comes down to practise, practise & more practise. Remember the old adage, that it takes 10,000 hours to become expert at something. [...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Yamaha MG20 - What does the "variable mid frequency" knob actually do?

The EQ system on this device has three filters. Two are 'shelving' filters and one is a 'peaking' filter. The shelving filters apply a variable cut or boost at a fixed frequency. The lower of these ...
Mark's user avatar
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Delivering a mix for shortmovie Lo Ro or Lt Rt

I would suggest to deliver a 3.0 mix (possibly as a 5.1 with silence on surrounds and LFE) for the theaters and a 2.0 for web/broadcast. LtRt doesn't seem to have any advantages today (if you want to ...
audionuma's user avatar
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