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Is mastering music with some automated mastering program as good as mastering by professional humans nowadays?

No. There is actually no true AI in the world at this time. Everything that is called “AI” is actually just machine learning. These are systems that are given basic algorithms and then trained on a ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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Logic Pro X / Mastering / Volume / Soundcloud

"I mix everything as loud as possible". There is your problem. Right there. Mixing music is not about making it "loud". If you think it is, you are focussing on the wrong thing entirely. There are ...
Mark's user avatar
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Song mix sounds differently in computer and mobile phone

You have kind of answered your own question. You don't have monitors. The difference between monitors and home (Hi-Fi) speakers is that the first are designed to be as flat as possible. By flat we ...
Schizomorph's user avatar
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Should I start mixing my first ever produced track?

Let me start by saying mixing is an art by itself. If you're passionate about making music and producing it end-to-end you should learn how to mix, on the other hand, if you're passionate about ...
frcake's user avatar
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44100 Hz encoded in 24bit vs 16bit

It seems that as defined by the CDDA Red Book, CD quality is 16 bit with a maximum sample rate of 44.1 kHz. I understand 44.1kHz was chosen due to human hearing limitations so I assume 16 bit was ...
Hobbes's user avatar
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How to make tracks louder in Logic Pro X?

In Logic Pro, you have the option to normalize your track when you bounce. Normalizing is where the volume of the entire track is adjusted so that the loudest point is at full loudness (0dB), and ...
Emma's user avatar
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Learning sound engineering, mixing and mastering, the hard way

Bro, it's a looong journey. There are no short cuts, and you'll never learn it all. But you can learn to be a competent mixer and recording artist. Forget mastering for the time being. Mastering is a ...
Melloj's user avatar
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How to blend vocals into music using Adobe Audition

You question is actually a pretty relevant and meaningful one. In order to blend vocals with muse you should apply a couple of principles: mix every siingle parameter of the music in quite a ...
tmm88's user avatar
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Ableton Live bypasses 3rd party plugins when exporting tracks to audio

After many headaches I finally found the answer: it has to do with a mismatch between global and export Sample Rate settings. Here is how to fix the issue: Go to Ableton Live's Preferences / Audio ...
Aron's user avatar
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What steps I need to make and what equipment to use to make mastering of piano music?

Steps: Select music Rehearse music Record music. Not unusual to have several takes of each piece. Mix. Cut and glue together best parts of takes. Master. Apply EQ, dynamics. Add metadate. Export in ...
ghellquist's user avatar
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Is mastering music with some automated mastering program as good as mastering by professional humans nowadays?

You be the judge. Will AI be as good? Well one should ask ones target audience. However that is not a thing that can be done preemptively. Only you can judge how much an AI can enhance your work. ...
Blindman67's user avatar
1 vote

How to crossfade between more tracks in Ableton Live?

It turns out that you can actually import Audio From another track -- using a Compressor Sidechain 'Audio From' -- then clicking the blue headphone, preview button. Not sure if there's a better way, ...
neaumusic's user avatar
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How do I make my songs sound more clear?

As @ibonyun is saying in his comment, very often, the problem here is the monitoring. When a mix sounds acceptably "fresh" on your monitors (no matter if headphones or speakers) but lacks ...
philburns's user avatar
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What is the best way to mix+master a snare so that it sounds good on different devices?

This is a general problem with every audio file - it will sound different on every system you play it. The solution - when creating your mix, you need to play it on a wide range of outputs to see how ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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44100 Hz encoded in 24bit vs 16bit

The theory around sampling contains quite a bit of mathematics. Leaving that aside, let us look att the practical aspects of your questions. In practice, today, there are only two effects of sample ...
ghellquist's user avatar
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Does it matter if RMS meters hit red?

RMS is old school now. You should preferably use a plugin that measures the loudness in LUFS or LKFS. These are the same values only in Europe they use the name LUFS and in USA LKFS. For a target ...
ik-Janni's user avatar
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What is the lifetime of a music plugin like Ozone or a DAW like Ableton?

The main constraints around software lifecycles is actually not the software itself, it's the operating system. Apple is a massive culprit here. With every update of the operating system, goalposts ...
Mark's user avatar
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What is the lifetime of a music plugin like Ozone or a DAW like Ableton?

This is a "how long is a piece of string?" question. I've had Cubase since 1989… but not the same version or even the same platform [I've had it for Atari, Mac & even Windows for a brief period ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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I tried to match the sound of this song but it sounds very different, what am I missing?

You're missing the sustain pedal on the epiano. Original has a sustain pedal down on the epiano and the cover is missing the sustain. The original is a little more compressed and has a little more '...
Mark's user avatar
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How do I use Adobe Audition for Spatial Audio Mixing?

You will need a set of plugins/tools that allow you to up-mix mono and stereo files to B-Format. This will usually involve orientation of the incoming signal around three planes (pitch, roll, yaw). ...
Mark's user avatar
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Should I start mixing my first ever produced track?

Mixing and editing a track is comprised mostly of copying and pasting waves! and getting transitions! to sound good. To do this your deleting, adding, reordering minuscule waves or whole sections ...
Bluesmozis's user avatar
1 vote

Should I start mixing my first ever produced track?

I agree wholeheartedly with @frcake's answer. I'll just add on some additional thoughts. If you are interested in learning to mix, but you want to get this particular track done quickly, I would ...
TheRealMikeD's user avatar
1 vote

How to blend vocals into music using Adobe Audition

what you are talking about is an effects chain, which usually consists of Equalization and Dynamics at the very least - the order of which is often personal preference. Again, this is an ear-...
Mark's user avatar
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Learning sound engineering, mixing and mastering, the hard way

Hmm well, mixing is by nature a try and error procedure. Think of it like a function with an input and some output. The reason i put it this way is because the engineer knows the a lot of functions ...
frcake's user avatar
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How to make tracks louder in Logic Pro X?

One suggestion I have, which is not a complete process of mastering but would usually be a part of it, is to add a limiter to the master track and boost the gain. This will allow you to increase the ...
Basstickler's user avatar
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What is the difference between staged limitting and normal limitting?

There's a Compressor by FMR audio, called RNC , this compressor has a "Super-Nice" Mode , while this is not a 100% limiter, a limiter is just a very fast compressor (in simple terms). So , i have no ...
frcake's user avatar
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Mix sounds terrible in PC, while it actually sounded good with headphones in other devices

There’s an entire science to mixing a master. The low and high frequencies need to be separated so that the wave spectrum doesn’t inter-lap and cause competition or distortion. The solution in the 90’...
Mike's user avatar
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