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Isolate conversation recorded in noisy cafe

As everyone else has said, noise reduction is the way to go, pretty aggressive noise reduction is all that will help I think. Thing is, if you want this conversation for sound bites or anything, it's ...
JustinMacleod84user1565590's user avatar
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Grunts, moans, breathing, etc

DX. It's either going to be production DX or ADR, both of which will end up in the DX stem for the premix. Usually though, its going to be a matter of taste for the dialogue editor, who can work with ...
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Dialogue between 2 or more people

It depends entirely on the performance that you're getting from set and the overall sound that you can achieve in the edit. Often, dialogue editing involves syllable, word and phrase replacement ...
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Making dialogue in a film louder in post production

OK, so if this is one of those utterly random class assignments where you absolutely 'must' do it with 'just an iPhone', the only way to really do this is to record your dialogue 'wild'. This requires ...
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Making dialogue in a film louder in post production

There are only really two ways of reducing the amount of background spill into your dialog track. Expensive directional mic on a boom Even more expensive noise-reduction software, eg Izotope RX 7. ...
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Dialogue Editing Workflow

Firstly, with any sort of sound post work on features, don't consider a feature length project to be one single timeline. Best practise with long-form work is to split the project into "reels". This ...
Mark's user avatar
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Isolate conversation recorded in noisy cafe

You can dramatically reduce the amount of background noise with Audacity's Noise Removal tool. Highlight a section of the audio clip when the background noise is loudest and no one is speaking. Then ...
otonomi's user avatar
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How to record the audio of one person's reaction to another person's line without overlapping audio?

Would suggest these options: let B tell a shorter, "essence" version of a dialogue line. More like a call to action for A. queue the person from a distance, so the mic barely picks it up. P.S.: I ...
Vospi's user avatar
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Recording location dialogue

Supercardioids are most commonly used for interior dialog recording, due to their excellent side rejection, and pretty decent rear rejection characteristics. Cardioids and hypercardioids, with their ...
Schuyler Hupp's user avatar

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