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27 votes

Does the .wav file created from a .mp3 file have better quality than the .mp3 file itself?

A WAV file has the potential to hold "more" or "better" data than an mp3. WAVs employ no compression, no loss; they are as close to an exact replica as it is possible to get. An mp3 employs lossy ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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9 votes

What does 100Hz 12dB per octave mean?

There are three parameters of this filter that are described in the phrase "100 Hz 12 dB per octave low pass filter". I'll cover them in reverse order. Low pass filter - This means the filter does ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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8 votes

Does the .wav file created from a .mp3 file have better quality than the .mp3 file itself?

No. When you convert a file from .mp3 to .wav, no new information is added: there is no way to regenerate the information that was lost when you created the mp3. All the extra data in the .wav file is ...
Hobbes's user avatar
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7 votes

Draw music in software

Yes, you are absolutely right. As a matter of fact, in many simple audio editing programs (my personal favourites are Logic and Audacity, depending whether I'm using my Mac or my Ubuntu), it is very ...
anonymous2's user avatar
5 votes

Approximating SPL from dBFS?

You see that tree over there that you're barking up? It's the wrong one. There's nothing up there. Seriously. You're contradicting yourself in your question. You know there's no direct relationship ...
Mark's user avatar
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Does sound lose quality if sped up and then slowed down back to normal speed?

It depends what method is used. If it's simply played back 'faster' without actually changing the data, then of course there is no lasting damage. This would be how a simple sampler would ordinarily ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Does the .wav file created from a .mp3 file have better quality than the .mp3 file itself?

MP3 is the 'colloquial' name for "MPEG 1 Layer 3" audio encoding. The purpose of mp3 encoding is to reduce the overall size of an audio data stream whilst maintaining an acceptable level of listening ...
Mark's user avatar
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5 votes

How is the recorded sound of a galloping horse so much different from a trot or a canter?

Assuming you're not interested in the old Hollywood method of making foley horses, used for decades of cowboy movies - banging coconut shells into various substrates in a box - then you have to do it ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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4 votes

How are audio tracks finalized in the cinema industry?

The channels of the respective output format (2.0 / 5.1 etc) are exported as separate mono audio files. Usually the encoders (DCP / Blu-ray Etc.) expect separate audio tracks as input. Apart from ...
Hans Meiser's user avatar
4 votes

Draw music in software

an attempt at a simpler answer... what audacity is showing you is the sample of the whoooole song jammed together in time. every sample for every note (of every instrument) has already been mixed ...
Stephen Hazel's user avatar
4 votes

Need help to understand the basic components of sound

The highly simplified answer is that sound in the real world is not sine waves with fixed frequencies. We learn about sound initially as frequencies or notes and simplify the concept down to thinking ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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4 votes

How do speakers work?

There's quite a few ways this question can be answered, but perhaps the most concise way to do it is to ask you to consider the properties of waves in general. You understand that in order to produce ...
Mark's user avatar
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4 votes

Recording soft sounds

Even if you could record it properly, without significant background noise (e.g. in an anechoic chamber), you'd likely not be satisfied with the results. The actual recorded sound of rubbing a thread ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
4 votes

Does the .wav file created from a .mp3 file have better quality than the .mp3 file itself?

In order to make sound, your computer must drive the speaker with a time-varying voltage. In order to create the time-varying voltage, the computer must send a sequence of numbers to a Digital-to-...
Solomon Slow's user avatar
4 votes

How can I as beginner learn Sound Design cheap?

The best advice I can give is to make a lot of mistakes. And learn from them. So, if you really are serious about this: start today. Select one animation, any animation already there, download it to ...
ghellquist's user avatar
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3 votes

BM-800 Condenser Mic Not Working in Windows 10 Acer Laptop

Condenser microphones require power to operate. I'm not sure what they are doing to have it work at all via just plugging in to a sound card, but you'll need phantom power and may still have issues ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I record frequencies from 0.1 to 20 Hz?

This is not a direct answer to your question. What you need is not a direct answer because in order to carry out your intentions successfully you will need to know exactly what you are doing. ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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3 votes

Draw music in software

I present to you, CHIP32, A free audio unit that I found on the internet. Just drag your mouse around to change the waveform and use a midi keyboard of some sort to play notes! Try changing the ...
10 Replies's user avatar
3 votes

Oldschool house orchestral hit sample

What you are looking for is an orchestral hit / orchestral pad. Very popular throughout the 80's Those sounds were mostly created using the Fairlight CMI. I think ...
frcake's user avatar
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3 votes

Does Maxing Volume On Computer and Controlling Volume With External Speakers Provide Best Sound Quality or Is It The Other Way Around

It can vary case-by-case based on specifics of what hardware are involved. But, to make a generalization, yes it's best to leave the computer's software-controlled volume at max and then control the ...
Tyler's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create a sci fi gun charging up sound effect

Well, when I think of a "charging" sound, I instantly think of something increasing. Level, pitch, both maybe. I would have a sustained sound, slowly increasing in pitch, maybe an exponentially ...
n00dles's user avatar
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3 votes

Mic plugged in the guitar input does not work

I'm not sure who sold you that XLR to 1/4" cable, but it flat out isn't right. XLR is a balanced signal, which means it has 3 different conductors. The 1/4" connector it is adapting to only is a Tip/...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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3 votes

Source localization on a laptop

How do I input two mics simultaneously on a Laptop? To be able to input two mics simultaneously on a laptop, you need a two channels audio interface with two mic inputs. Using one interface for both ...
audionuma's user avatar
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best material to absorb Sound

Depending on how creative you want to get, the most effective sound absorption material I have found so far has been rockwool - which is the material often used for ceiling insulation. You can easily ...
Mark's user avatar
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3 votes

Sound Design: water, river, streams etc using a synth

guess I've found a good starting point for bubbling: pink noise --> plugin called "Hysterisis" --> preset ASD_Juicer but also pink noise --> plugin called "Molekular" --> preset Sheperd_Sortie ...
coroneddu's user avatar
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3 votes

Sound quality recording question

In telecommunication networks one of the commonly used methods is Full Reference. This method uses an algorithm to evaluate speech samples by simulating the process of the human ear listening to ...
WMRamadan's user avatar
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3 votes

Does reducing volume reduce bit depth?

IF you are doing this manipulation internally to the DAW (operating at 64-bit) then you will experience NO LOSS AT ALL. However, if you export the file after gain reduction as a 24-bit file, then you ...
Mark's user avatar
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