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Questions tagged [panning]

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3 votes
2 answers

Looking for (preferaby free) sofware that can pan an input signal while recording to a stereo track

To explain - I am an actor. I like to learn my lines by recording myself reading everyone else's lines on the right track, and all my lines on the left track. That way, on playback, I can mute the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Tascam DP008EX Panning on input source not reflected in monitor

I'm confused. When I pan the signal on the source, the input levels on my Tascam DP008EX make sense - when the signal is panned left the input level display for channel A is high and when panned right,...
1 vote
1 answer

"Uneven" yet even panned pairs- is this a common practice?

I was faced with the problem of recording an acoustic guitar and getting some stereo width, without a matched (or even remotely similar-sounding) pair of mics to capture a natural stereo sound. I had ...
2 votes
3 answers

mixing how to make an instrument sound nearer, further away or higher

I have been doing some mixing of a traditional type band setup guitar, bass, drums and vocals. I get the pan left to right center to give space to each instrument. But when I listen to professional ...
0 votes
0 answers

Steinberg UR22 and UR24C signal is panned

I have a problem with my Steinberg UR22, the sound has started to feel stronger by about 5-10% in the left channel (headphones). I thought it was a HW problem so I ordered a new sound interface, this ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the easiest way to create 5.1 sound effects (sound panning from one channel to another)

I need to create a simple 10 second sound file, where: 0-1s: tone plays in (and only in) Front-Left channel 1-2s: tone plays in (and only in) Front-Right channel 2-3s: tone plays in (..) Left-Rear ...
1 vote
1 answer

Reaper auto panning based on conditions

I am currently evaluating Reaper v6.08 and I wonder if it's possible to pan based on certain conditions. Detailed explanation: I have two tracks, A and B. A is panned 100% Left B is panned 100% ...
0 votes
2 answers

In what situations is it ok to mix stereo VST synths using "Balance" or "True Stereo Panning"?

I make ambient music with usually about 4 - 6 vst instruments (maybe 1 or 2 arpeggiated synths, 1 pad/strings, a lead, a bass, sometimes a little drums/percussion). I've been running vst synths from ...
1 vote
1 answer

Pan laws for more than two channels

I found this great stuff that helped me understanding and implementing panning for two channels. Does it make sense to make panning for more than two channels (3, 4, 5, 7, or even 9)? What are ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why would you pan the same sound both left and right?

I was watching a video where a person made a supersaw by layering the same sound and panning it once left and once right. A center-panned sound already outputs to both left and right channels, so what'...
0 votes
1 answer

Are actors' voices in the 2.0 sound positioned in correspondence with where we can see them in the video?

Should actors' voices typically "follow" the actors if they're moving across the screen or if they're simply positioned off-center, when playing the 2.0 or 2.1 version of the movie sound? Or is the 2....
7 votes
2 answers

How to balance channel volume in Adobe Audition?

I've recorded audio with a Zoom h4n and the right channel is louder than the left one. How do I balance them to make them even in Adobe Audition? People in threads over the internet just say it is ...
0 votes
2 answers

A few questions: Surround Sound 5.1 for film [closed]

1) How do I pan the sound FX, which comes behind the hero? So, in order not to distract the viewer? For example, the helicopter takes off from behind the hero and flies forward? 2) How can I further ...
2 votes
5 answers

Synths with different stereo spread / width?

I was wondering if anyone had some tips for getting that kind of stereo feeling on specific sounds? Here is an example: I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can you Pan properly using stereo headphones

I'm in the process of buying some H8 Monitors (Yamaha) - In like a week or two - YES I KNOW :) and THX! However, I don't want to wait till I get my monitors to start the mixing process. Can I pan ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to use pan effectively

I don't exactly know the use of pan in electronic music. When should I use pan (other than Left=Right), and how can it be used effectively?
2 votes
2 answers

Logic Pro X panning and effect change in the same track

I'm a complete beginner at Logic Pro X and ever since I've been trying to mix something there I get this question and haven't found any answers to this. Is there some way to change effects (or pan) ...
2 votes
2 answers

Simple space effect in Audacity on Mac OS X

How to create a simple sound effect which makes the sound go from the left ear to the right and so on, in a "perpetual" loop (preferably with Audacity on Mac OS X)?
1 vote
1 answer

pro tools surround panner

I'm finally approaching doing my first 5.1 mix. I'm doing this in pro tools 10 HD. My only other experience of 5.1 has been in Logic and Nuendo. Does pro tools have a built in surround panner? At ...
3 votes
1 answer

Discussion: Theatrical release vs. BR/DVD

just want to hear some opinions on how would one theatrical mix have to be adjusted for the home cinema. need to? Not talking just about the output volume or overall compression. but also panning. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to copy my panning pattern from one audio file to another?

I'm working in adobe audition and I have a very intricately designed panning patter for one of my tracks. I could go brute force and do it on each track (about 3, so not too tragic, probably an hour ...
1 vote
3 answers

From simple to advanced mix techniques

In a few words, I know how to mix a fairly simple track (drums, bass, guitar, vocals...). This means that I know how to blend things together because each "instrument" is quite easy to isolate in ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Sound spatialisation tool. Would this be useful?

Hi, I have recently prototyped a sound spatialisation tool using max/msp as part of a university project. It allows you to load a sound and animate it in a virtual 3d space to add doppler shift, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Will Pro Tools remember the pan automation, if

I hope you can help. I am working on a film on Pro Tools 11, and will continue on a Pro Tools HD afterwards. I have a question regarding panning automation - There's a mono audio track. It is ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a standard panning compromise?

I know there are certain rules that are commonly shared when it comes to panning. Letting the kick drum and bass sit in the center, for example. I'm wondering though, do you believe there are "right ...
3 votes
3 answers

feeling of Height of sound source

Im working on my own project where im trying to tell a story/explain a scene with only sound and no voices or visuals. The sound, ambiences and cutscenes (using change in environment) should be able ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to emulate Pan using SOX

Pan effect is deprecated in SOX, actually we have to use the remix effect. As i know, pan is not just an attenuation of one channel but follow the Pan Law, how can i use sox to implement pan ...
4 votes
2 answers

Logic Pro Environment: Panning Signal Processing

I'm trying to send an arpeggiated audio signal (in logic pro 9) into separate signal streams to creating an automated, synchronised panning effect, in one stereo channel. Problem 1: The audio signal ...
3 votes
2 answers

Extremely Right and Left panning

Is it possible to achieve stereo sound totally without the "Center". Only extremely Right and Left pan (e.g. Choirs). If yes, please tell me how? I'm using Ozone iZotope plug-in.
0 votes
1 answer

H4n panning issue in pro tools

i did a days worth of field recording a while back into input 1 of my H4n which is the left channel. it played back into my headphones at the time on both sides. however when i play back what i ...
12 votes
3 answers

What does panning do in a stereo system

I use pan a lot, but would now like to understand what it does. My question is spurred on by being told in a mix (a rock band for example) everything needs to live in its own space. Well, surely it ...
6 votes
3 answers

Stereo panning, headphones and speakers difference

Should stereo panning be done differently while using headphones or speakers?
1 vote
3 answers

Free (or great) VST panner with haas effect

Do any of you know about a nice and simple stereo panning VST that also does haas (delay-based) panning? Preferably free, but if you have a good recommendation, then let it spill anyway.. I'm just ...
21 votes
9 answers

Best approaches to panning backgrounds when camera angles change

Hi folks, I was working on a short film the other day and came upon a re-occuring situation that I wanted to get your take on. One of the scenes takes place in a kitchen. It was raining outside and ...
7 votes
1 answer

General advice about sound spatialization

I am composing music by layering various instruments of different types. Percussions, strings, lead, etc... Is there a generally-agreed "best" way of putting those instruments in the auditive space? (...
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2 votes
5 answers

Panning with different POV

Just came across this issue doing sound design for an animation project: If there are various consecutive shots between 2 POV, let's say 2 guys in front of each other, with a glass wall between them, ...
4 votes
4 answers

Divergence in Surround

I was wondering if anybody is using divergence while mixing in 5.1. I have mixed 10 feature films in 5.1, but I have never used divergence when panning. At first I didn't use it because I was afraid ...
4 votes
3 answers

Alternatives to Waves S360° Imager plugin?

Hi all Do you know any alternative plugin to the Waves S360 (I work with Pro Tools)? I'm looking for something like the Rotate function in the Euphonix console: the Waves S360 imager is the only ...
1 vote
1 answer

Creating 5.0 atmospheres & Panning

Hey there, Have been playing round with some stereo atmospheres i recorded, trying to make them into 5.0s I can bounce and use in the future as pre made surround backgrounds. I would normally just ...
5 votes
4 answers

How to give a feeling of distance/position

Hi, i'm quite new to all the sound recording/editing buisiness (i've just started recording my own sounds and playing around with certain effects and layering sounds). And i've encountered a problem: ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to move a sound back and forth or up and down

It's easy to move a sound from left to right with panning. But is it possible to give the illusion the sound is moving away / toward / up / down the listener ?
8 votes
2 answers

Why are drums generally panned to the listener's perspective but piano panned to the player's perspective?

i've posed this question to many engineers (even a few who are drummers) and i'm still without an answer. what's even more befuddling is that i have a few recordings where the drums are panned to the ...
9 votes
3 answers

General rules for panning?

I'm working on a family project right now. Most of the songs have the following tracks: 4 kids (on separate tracks of course) strings/pads acoustic guitar (on about half the songs) electric bass (...
4 votes
6 answers

Reference movies for dialog panning

Hi, I'm about to start mix on a feature film, where I'm planning to pan the dialog throughout the film. A couple of years ago I did a film which was shot entirely as a POV. It was a very rough film, ...
4 votes
3 answers

Sounds in Surround

I'm straying a bit from strict sound design, but I really admire everyone's expansive knowledge of all things audio and would love to hear people's experiences with how their sounds end up in the mix. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Phase errors, Chromatec PPM

Hello all, I use a Chromatec AM-2 as a PPM when mixing for TV (I also run an RTW Portamonitor too), along the bottom of my TV is a bar which checks for phase. My question is this, when I pan ...
3 votes
5 answers

3d sound from 5.1 (dolby cinema) speaker system

hi is it possible to create fake 3d sound panning (like with headphone and htrs) with a standard 5.1 system? i think no, never heard of any tool or technique that can allow that...