Questions tagged [panning]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Tascam DP008EX Panning on input source not reflected in monitor

I'm confused. When I pan the signal on the source, the input levels on my Tascam DP008EX make sense - when the signal is panned left the input level display for channel A is high and when panned right,...
Robin Andrews's user avatar
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Steinberg UR22 and UR24C signal is panned

I have a problem with my Steinberg UR22, the sound has started to feel stronger by about 5-10% in the left channel (headphones). I thought it was a HW problem so I ordered a new sound interface, this ...
tomexx's user avatar
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Sound spatialisation tool. Would this be useful?

Hi, I have recently prototyped a sound spatialisation tool using max/msp as part of a university project. It allows you to load a sound and animate it in a virtual 3d space to add doppler shift, ...
user6000's user avatar