Connecting guitar to mixer and pc
Everything about your signal chain sounds correct except for the mixer to the pc. It sounds like you want to use your mixer as an interface, in which case you'd want to use the USB to connect to your ...
should I ground the mixer?
Your symptoms describe a bad mic cable. None of your symptoms suggest that there is anything wrong with the mixer or its power supply.
should I ground the mixer?
it's Always a good idea to ground your equipment, audio-related or not, in your case, grounding your mixer probably gets rid of the hum, but also makes it safer to use (if for example the body (which ...
MIDI input 3 second delay lag
I have experienced the same issue, including just yesterday preparing for a live performance, and thought the unit was broken. Apparently based on your post, it is a bug in the 1x1 itself.
To ...
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