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Buzzing, hissing, input level issues - BM-700 BM-800 NW-800 Neewer/Floureon

You need both a microphone preamp and phantom power, which is a specialist 48v power supply specifically for low-impedance condenser microphones. It tends to be uneconomical to buy these as separate ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Is there any difference between Gain and Volume for single input?

It all boils down to what is called gain structure. You would like to make all pieces of equipment in your signal's chain to peak at the same time. This means they will peak for the same input signal ...
ZaellixA's user avatar
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Is there any difference between Gain and Volume for single input?

Once you record, the achievable signal to noise ratio becomes fixed. So, if you increase the volume on playback you also increase the noise. In general it is better to increase the gain of the mic pre ...
Ian Bell's user avatar
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Is there any difference between Gain and Volume for single input?

Gain is more technical and can be discussed and measured in specific terms. Volume isn't really an appropriate term in mixing. It relates more to final amplification. There's no good way to relate one ...
Jim Mack's user avatar
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Making dialogue in a film louder in post production

OK, so if this is one of those utterly random class assignments where you absolutely 'must' do it with 'just an iPhone', the only way to really do this is to record your dialogue 'wild'. This requires ...
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Making dialogue in a film louder in post production

There are only really two ways of reducing the amount of background spill into your dialog track. Expensive directional mic on a boom Even more expensive noise-reduction software, eg Izotope RX 7. ...
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