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How does PCM digital audio work?

NOTE: Still more work to do on this in relation to reconstruction filters, but I thought it was time to post as much as I can. Improvements can be worked on later. This diagram shows an example ...
Mark's user avatar
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4 votes

Specs of "common" sound level scale

Many of the “mystery scale” charts that I have seen include distance from the source. For example OSHA has one and includes distance and says 0dB is the threshold at 1kHz which would also be at 20µPa. ...
TimK's user avatar
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Need help to understand the basic components of sound

The highly simplified answer is that sound in the real world is not sine waves with fixed frequencies. We learn about sound initially as frequencies or notes and simplify the concept down to thinking ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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Need help to understand the basic components of sound

Ok, let's start from the basics. Audio is usually recorded (sampled - converted from a continuous analogue signal to a digital record) and stored as a series of numbers representing the momentary ...
Schizomorph's user avatar
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How to make a tone that theoretically sounds like it's coming from infinitely far away?

You're confusing several issues here - not least of which is that there is no true directionality in headphones other than an artificial left & right. There is no 3D positioning information at all,...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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How to make a tone that theoretically sounds like it's coming from infinitely far away?

How to make a tone that theoretically sounds like it's coming from infinitely far away? In a word: don't. To simulate a physical phenomenon at some infinite distance, it's useful to evaluate how it ...
stillsleep's user avatar
2 votes

What exactly is a sample anyway?

I quote « First, we need a wave, and second, we need enough samples of that wave to be able to deconstruct all the frequencies we care for. So, for 20kHz, we take 44,000 samples in 1 second. Right? So ...
Frédéric LOYER's user avatar
1 vote

What exactly is a sample anyway?

Think of samples as frames in cine film. No single frame shows movement. It's only when you run them as a sequence that you can see the motion. This is kind of how samples work. At 44Khz, the computer/...
7HzResearch's user avatar
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Can a digital audio have a negative decibel?

I recommend you research what a decibel is, how it works, then revisit this question. Generally, digital audio samples are measured with reference to "full scale" which allows it to be measured with ...
Mark's user avatar
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Pan laws for more than two channels

The theory you found at the CMU article explains things very well - particularly when looking at the differences between linear and constant power panning. In every case you are "panning" a mono ...
Mark's user avatar
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Need help to understand the basic components of sound

A way to understand timbre and differences between instruments is to interpret harmonics by casting an eye on their spectrograms: The flute has some tremolo visible on the high-end sustained ...
Dalv Olan's user avatar
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