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15 votes

Difference between frame and sample in waveform

A sample is the smallest usable quantum of digital audio. The term frame isn't formally defined in pure audio terms, but is often used in relation to video that may accompany an audio track. In that ...
Jim Mack's user avatar
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Do inverse/reverse sawtooth waves sound different to human ears than forward sawtooth waves?

This comes down to the question of audibiltiy of phase in a signal. To test this, I created two signals (both with f0 = 220.5 Hz, Fs = 44100 Hz) in Matlab, a saw wave with an upwards facing ramp and ...
742617000027's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any application that can generate waveform and sine waves of audio files?

I am an engineering student my self and I use Audacity to generate Sine, Sawtooth, Square waves. It's easy as pie. Download Audacity from here. Open Audacity and click on Generate from the Toolbar on ...
Aniruddha Bera's user avatar
4 votes

Need help to understand the basic components of sound

The highly simplified answer is that sound in the real world is not sine waves with fixed frequencies. We learn about sound initially as frequencies or notes and simplify the concept down to thinking ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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Is there any application that can generate waveform and sine waves of audio files?

You may want to check out SPEAR. From the website: SPEAR is an application for audio analysis, editing and synthesis. The analysis procedure (which is based on the traditional McAulay-Quatieri ...
Jay Jennings's user avatar
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Is there any application that can generate waveform and sine waves of audio files?

Any DAW (digital audio workstation) or even most video editing software will display a waveform for the audio in a particular file. You can not, however, make a "sine wave of whatever audio file" ...
AJ Henderson's user avatar
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Difference between frame and sample in waveform

The term 'frame' has several different meanings, dependent on the context. Beside the obvious meaning in video contexts, and the usage in audio codecs like MP3, a frame may also be used as a name for ...
sh-'s user avatar
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3 votes

DIY Active Noise Cancellation?

It's impossible to achieve. Your initial cancellation is at phase-accuracy. Two files playing through one output, each inversely-phased to the other. As soon as you try to do that in the physical ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Does shifting harmonics change the resulting sound

The effect of changing the phase of a harmonic, might simply equate to (acoustically) that particular harmonic coming (to the ears) from a slightly different distance than the fundamental. Thinking ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

Waveform comparision, similarity detection software?

Essentia is an Open-source library and tools for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis It includes some pre-built extractors that you can use.
audionuma's user avatar
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What is the actual waveform of step signals recorded onto a vinyl?

From my experience as a vinyl cutting engineer, the phase response makes it look more triangular in shape, but it sounds very similar.
user22723's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any application that can generate waveform and sine waves of audio files?

You can use Sony Sound Forge, there's a waveform generator inside of it. Best for you could be Audacity which is free see the doc. You could also use a synth in a DAW to generate sines even squares ...
JSmith's user avatar
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2 votes

Need help to understand the basic components of sound

Ok, let's start from the basics. Audio is usually recorded (sampled - converted from a continuous analogue signal to a digital record) and stored as a series of numbers representing the momentary ...
Schizomorph's user avatar
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Explaining in laymen terms the difference between a recorded waveform sound levels and SPL levels

Assuming that your app is working at all, the most likely explanation is that the microphone circuit in your tablet contains a high pass filter (a filter which removes low frequencies). This means ...
little_birdie's user avatar
2 votes

What is a waveform a graph of?

X-axis is the time axis, Y axis represents the sample value at that point in time. The X axis always represents an increasing positive value (Left to Right) however the Y (sample value) axis can be ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

Do digital oscilloscopes display timbre or fundamental waves?

You have a slight misunderstanding of what a wave is. Your ears (or an oscilloscope) will hear the sound of pressure increasing and decreasing. That's what sound is. The air in your ear can really ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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What exactly are the components of a sound track?

A bit of a confusing question, but I'll try to answer it... Are there any tools out there currently that can deconstruct a sound track, i.e. separate vocals, from beats, from melodies, etc... So I ...
n00dles's user avatar
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What to do in this kind of "dipped curve" situation?

This is some large amplitude oscillation with frequency much lower than the rest of the signal. As you show no timescale, it's impossible to estimate its frequency. Also, you don't give any context, ...
user1079505's user avatar
1 vote

How do I extend the duration of a Waveform in Adobe Audition?

This can be done in the waveform editor as well. Move the playhead to the end of the track, then Edit | Insert | Silence. Enter 1s and hit enter.
77RD's user avatar
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How do I fix odd waveform/playback import issues in Ableton Live?

I suspect that you have an issue with the sample format in the incoming file. WAV files are able to contain a number of different sample values, including different bit-resolutions of integer and ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to remove this unnecessary high waveform that prevents me from amplifying to the highest possible (but still fine) decibel?

One option is to apply a brickwall limiter with a threshold around -6 dBFS to the track. That should lower the higher audio peaks. You would then have room to apply a higher gain to the whole track. ...
audionuma's user avatar
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Playing a Waveform Image

There is a program called PhonoPaper made by a Russian group. It is essentially a graphical representation of sound that can be read by a camera and specific software. Quite cool, if somewhat novel. ...
uchtp's user avatar
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1 vote

Do inverse/reverse sawtooth waves sound different to human ears than forward sawtooth waves?

They will sound exactly the same. The human ear responds to the frequency of the waveform - not the direction of the waveform itself.
otonomi's user avatar
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Need help to understand the basic components of sound

A way to understand timbre and differences between instruments is to interpret harmonics by casting an eye on their spectrograms: The flute has some tremolo visible on the high-end sustained ...
Dalv Olan's user avatar
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Waveform comparision, similarity detection software?

The freeware Sound-Similar Free is the right tool. Sound-Similar (Free Version) is a lightweight software application that measures the perceptual similarity between two WAV files in Linear PCM ...
user27325's user avatar
1 vote

Highlight peaking parts on a waveform?

You're not approaching this in the right way. By doing this "iterative normalization" you will be basically changing gain with little to no crossfade between the regions. This is not going to give you ...
Mark's user avatar
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App that quickly analyzes waveforms and displays tones

ableton has a drag n drop feature that allows you to place a wave or mp3 in a midi track and get kind've interpretation of what the melody and harmony is, though you may have to use your sensibilies ...
seems's user avatar
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App that quickly analyzes waveforms and displays tones

This sounds like an audio to midi converter. By analysing the audio file, you can retrieve pitch and duration information which coincidentally is what you require to generate midi note-on and note-off ...
Mark's user avatar
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