MIDI, how to implement CC-65, C-5 and CC-84 and example?
The MIDI specification says:
When a Note-On is received after a Portamento Control message, the voice's pitch will glide from the key specified in the Portamento Control message to the new Note-On'...
What is the name of this device?
Looks like an Avid S1. Fader control surface or DAW controller would be some general search terms.
Is there a way to use a hardware DAW controller for stream / broadcast mixing
Answering this just in case someone is looking for something similar.
I found a great solution that does exactly what I wanted: Synchronous Audio Router http://sar.audio/
Works perfectly for me, plus ...
Is there a way to use a hardware DAW controller for stream / broadcast mixing
You should have look to Voicemeter :
It manages streams between applications including ASIO applications (typically DAWs).
Ableton Live 9.5 MPD32 Drumpad control
You wouldn't be able to control the entire Ableton interface using the MPD32. That would only be achievable by using the Ableton Push or another controller that run around the same price such as the ...
Connecting keyboard, soundmodule, and a PC
Either of those could work, depending on exactly what you are doing. There are also other setups that will work. However, what is not clear from your question is what you consider to be the sound ...
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