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3 votes

Recording piano part for rehearsal at different speeds

May I ask what kind of experience you have in the audio field? It would help us give a more useful answer for you, with the right level of detail. I'll offer a general response for now though: You've ...
Skarik's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I record a sound frequency I can't hear and play it back so I can hear it?

I would like to expand on the caveat in @Rory Alsop's answer, since to me he answers one part of your question (can I play it back so I can hear it?) while relegating the arguably far less trivial ...
Igid's user avatar
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2 votes

Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 Cubase

Let's assume it's a problem with audio signal flow within Cubase (the version I'm going off of is Cubase 7 or 8 Pro): In Devices > Device Setup..., under VST Audio System, make sure that your ...
kGdmioT's user avatar
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Split PC audio between 6 Bluetooth headphones?

I have researched this several months ago and I did not find a solution. When you say "Each headphone would have a USB dongle." I assume that you mean that each headphone will have its own BlueTooth ...
Richard Crowley's user avatar
2 votes

I Copied MID files from Yamaha Keyboard, but Playback is Different

A MIDI file only contains information on which notes you're playing. The sound attached to each note is not part of the file (which is why a MIDI file is much smaller than an audio file). What you'...
Hobbes's user avatar
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2 votes

Change Audacity playback speed without affecting pitch

Audacity is rather simplistic in approach. It doesn't seem to have the subtlety required to do this in real-time. It has an option - Effect > Change Tempo… See the manual pages at - Change Tempo
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Need Help Playing Voice Memo

If your recording is on a dedicated portable voice recorder and it does not play back, then that may be a problem with the recording, such as a corrupted SD card. If this recording is on a mobile ...
Adam Elteto's user avatar
1 vote

What information in an audio file lets timbre of individual instruments be recognizable, regardless of playback device?

The psychoacoustics and psychophysics of sound have everything to do with the physical aspects of waves and frequency, and the biological aspects of how you ‘perceive’ the sound. The perception of an ...
rgoldheim's user avatar
1 vote

What information in an audio file lets timbre of individual instruments be recognizable, regardless of playback device?

PCM doesn't have only 127 signed values, it has at minimum [for CD-quality] 32,767 at 16-bit resolution, up to 8 million at 24-bit & 2 billion at 32-bit [the theoretical maximum is infinite.] Each ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Missing Audio despite wave form being present

try importing the audio into another DAW or audio player and do some elimination testing.
Mark's user avatar
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Playing a Waveform Image

There is a program called PhonoPaper made by a Russian group. It is essentially a graphical representation of sound that can be read by a camera and specific software. Quite cool, if somewhat novel. ...
uchtp's user avatar
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Mac Audacity Pinned Playback

The pinned playback is available on a freshly downloaded 2.2.0 Mac Audacity.
audionuma's user avatar
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Map MIDI signals to play custom audio clips

Seems like you should be able to use midi messages to launch clips from within Ableton, rather than doing it from within a drum-rack. That might be easier, and you wont be ham-strung by the volume ...
Jonathan Arkell's user avatar
1 vote

Map MIDI signals to play custom audio clips

I've used Native Instruments Kontakt sampler to achieve exactly what you're looking for, to produce a radio show with pre-configured audio clips mapped to different notes of a MIDI keyboard. It's able ...
Simon Bosley's user avatar
1 vote

What is playback volume?

It controls how loud you want the playback to be. By playback we mean pre-recorded material (it was recorded first and now you 'play (it) back').
Schizomorph's user avatar
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