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3 votes

Is it possible to record higher frequencies using multiple microphones sampling in lockstep?

frequencies above what microphone allows Microphones have a frequency response curve. This is a random example: The exact shape of the diagram is different for each microphone, but they all have ...
Hobbes's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the point of drivers that can produce frequencies that humans can't hear?

One reason may be there is a need for them besides the use for human listening. Perhaps a human may want to study or devote their careers to Animal audiology. If you want to study an animal that ...
Alaska Man's user avatar
2 votes

What's the point of drivers that can produce frequencies that humans can't hear?

In my humle mind it is purely marketing. People tend to buy on specifications, and bigger numbers sort of makes the user accept a higher price and hence a higher profit for the seller. There can be a ...
ghellquist's user avatar
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Practical solutions to physical blocking specific frequencies

The trouble with trying to use something essentially filled with holes to block high-frequency sound is that generally, holes don't do this job well. High frequency is easy to block - you could use ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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USB input high-pitched whine

I've had this problem today with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB interface and some new Yamaha HS7 monitor speakers. The problem is likely to be dirty power. However, is simply fixed with the addition ...
jonatjist's user avatar
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USB input high-pitched whine

Well, since I just ruined a recording yesterday, here is another pointer: don't let your microphone cables run across the laptop's switching power supply on the ground. Balanced cables may be good ...
user20557's user avatar
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Can Blue Yeti record high-frequency sounds?

I do not think it is possible to record the noise you hear and if you want to know why I will explain in detail below The Yeti has different sensitivity with different settings. Make sure it is in ...
TimK's user avatar
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