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15 votes

How to recover audio from an incomplete or corrupted AAC/m4a file

This guide worked 100% for me - it takes you through each step. Afterwards, the m4a file plays! Note: this is completely free. Also pasting ...
namford's user avatar
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5 votes

How to restore a high pitch voice recorded from a tape cassette?

So what you're attempting to do, is restore the pitch (i.e. "speed") of the recording. The reason it didn't work is that you used a timestretching algorithm instead, which leads to an ...
n00dles's user avatar
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3 votes

Shure SM57 with lost sensitivity

Yeah, that happens eventually. I've been working with SM57s in live and studio setups for 15 years. In particular the ones used in live setups, which are used both indoor and outdoor, wears faster. ...
Michael Hansen Buur's user avatar
3 votes

Fixing an over-distorted guitar track

(I'm not sure what you want to fix - it sounds sick and genrewise it is spot on!) Needless to say: always record with a DI so you have the option to reamp later on if something turns out too hot etc. ...
Michael Hansen Buur's user avatar
2 votes

MXL 990 Mic, UR22-MKII sudden breakdown

You need a multimeter to measure the voltage and current. I assume this XLR pin usage: 1 .. ground 2 .. positive 3 .. negative If XLR pin usage is different in your setup you will need to switch ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 vote

What do you call the problem with this audio from cassette tape, and how do I fix it?

This is a problem that occurred during the original recording. Sounds very much like the tape capstan rubbers are slipping and the tape is not being kept up-to-speed during the recording. There is ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

Cleaning/Fixing corrupted audio

No. There is no way to fix this. This is borked beyond repair. Sorry that won't be much help, but that's really the honest answer.
Mark's user avatar
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Fixing an over-distorted guitar track

I would also go for a re-recording before any clippy,fuzzy trace of the over-distorted track ruins your overall-mix. And if anything works out with having it re-recorded via DI, you could probably ...
OptimusBryan's user avatar
1 vote

What's the sound difference between blown out speakers and needing new foam?

Throw those in the bin, unless you want to replace all the drivers. Anything allowed to get into that state isn't even worth opening to see what may be salvageable. The cones are free-floating on ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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1 vote

mp4 file has no sound

I've had this happen before, howevr it was while recording the screen of my computer. Not certain if you've done the same or used a camera IRL. However easiest way to see if there's audio in a file is ...
Tmanok's user avatar
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1 vote

mp4 file has no sound

Try opening the file with some advanced video players just to find out if the audio is gone or there's a codec error. Two video players that I use when having this sort of problems is Quick Time and ...
Dalv Olan's user avatar
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