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Questions tagged [room-tone]

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2 answers

Sound source located in a room with opened door and listener is outside

This question has been bothering me for a while, so the situation is next: imagine that you have a person talking to you surrounded by four walls with an opened door and you are as a listener located ...
Turbo Ash's user avatar
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2 answers

Room tone/Ambience/Atmosphere loudness question

I recorded room ambience at -50db and I'm not sure how loud it actually should be (in relation to other sounds). I realized that I started to use this to mask the noise of foley recordings, then I ...
lakistrike's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Recording room ambience

What would be the best way to record room ambience for ambience fx (not room tone for dialogue) with one mic? I'm limited on that side. Should i just transform mono to stereo later?
lakistrike's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

sound design for a quiet room

I need to design a couple of "room sounds" for our game .. thing is that they're quiet since there's no one inside for now I'm approaching this by having a room tone some occasional tiny sounds (...
coroneddu's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Library/Big Marble staircase Room Tone

I'm looking for room tone recordings of a large library/old building with a marble/granite staircase, can anyone point me into the direction of any sample libraries?
user7437's user avatar
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7 answers

What Technique do you use for Room Tone recording?

I realize it depends on the space, but generally speaking, what microphone technique do you use and what type of mic? XY, ORTF, spaced pair?
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