If I want to record my Mackie ProFX8 mixer digitally via USB with my computer, how should I do it? I didn't think that the option appeared in Cubase. Background is that I'm trying to make sound files and the end file gets a background noise due to analog recording:


No worries, integrated USB I/O takes the pain out of recording. Just connect the ProFX8 to a laptop, start up your included copy of Tracktion 3 Music Production Software (or almost any DAW software out there) and you can record the whole mix.

No Driver Required for Supported Windows (PC) or OS X (Mac) Versions

So I'm supposed to use the Tracktion program but it is not at all clear how to record in Tracktion.

enter image description here

enter image description here

In Cubase I've gotten this far and it says nothing about a Mackie or any USB input:

enter image description here

Maybe this setting below is correct but it doesn't say whether USB is the digital from the Mackie or the USB from the plexgear soundcard.

enter image description here

And here is another setting I have that says nothing about Mackie and nothing about digital USB.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • 2
    Does your Mackie have a USB output?
    – Andy aka
    Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 15:29
  • 2
    what is your Mackie model?
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 22:02
  • @Sergio ProFX8.It has USB output which I've physically connected. Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 0:43

5 Answers 5


The ProFX8 will let you record only a stereo channel (or 2 mono) at a time. I am not familiar with Traction, but in Cubase you can go to menu Devices > Device Setup and choose the Mackie from the first option field (Asio driver).

Then you might need to go to Devices > VST Conections to route the channels to the right input.

enter image description here Here you can choose in Device Port which channel from the Mackie goes to each channel of your audio card. Notice we are in the Input Tab.

After that you can create your tracks and you can choose were the sound comes from to each track. Open the Mixer (F3 or in the menus) and you see this:

enter image description here

In my example tracks 1,2,3 are Stereo so you just see "Stereo In" in the input field on top of each track. But track 4 & 5 are mono and there you can choose if the audio should come from Left of the Stereo channel you get from the Mackie or Right.

The its just to hit the red button on each track you want to recoed and press REC.

As I said I don't know Tracktion, but there might be similarities in how to route the sound.

EDIT: TO export from Cubase you have to first choose the area to Export. You can do this by choosing with the mouse (check the blue bar over the track in image below) or by choosing the track and pressing P (locators to selection).

enter image description here

Then what is left is to go to menu FILE > EXPORT > AUDIO MIXDOWN

Was this kind of description what you were looking after?

  • 1
    If you think that Cubase "sucks" I think it's time to change your opinion. Otherwise take ProTools or Logic. Anyway, Mackie sends thru USB the mix you have in it, that's 2 channels (Left/Right), how to "capture/use" them in Cubase is what I tried to help with. If you want to buy hardware to record without computer do that, but I think a computer solution is better.
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 8:03
  • 1
    @909Niklas, just updated my answer (see "Edit"). Just not clear if you succeed to record in Cubase or if you got stopped in choosing the audio device(?). I agree it does not sound like a good user experience.
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 8:25
  • 1
    @909Niklas, On your third image, showing VST Connections you are in the OUTPUT tab, on the top/left corner choose "input" and assign the input channels there. If unsure post that image here also.
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 9:32
  • 1
    @909Niklas, in your screenshot you have 2 inputs assigned, good. Now you can create a new track (audio) mono or stereo as you want and record. Check in the mixer (F3) if you have signal coming in in the volume bars (should show green activity).
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 10:11
  • 1
    Great @909Niklas! You probably can raise the volume in the Mackie and check in Cubase mixer inputs that you don't go to the red lines. Glad I could help!
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 10:25

Does your Mackie have a USB output? If it does then you may need to load drivers onto your PC so that it recognizes the mackie mixer. These drivers probably came with your mixer when you acquired it.

If it doesn't have a USB output then you'll need a USB analogue to digital converter maybe like this: -

enter image description here


If you want to record each channel, you could get another interface with line in jacks, and use the effects sends from the Mackie. Push the TS cable in until the first click, and that should send out.


As far as I know (I'm just an amateur figuring things out as I go) the ProFX USB records either from the Main or the Sub 1-4 via the button above Sub 2. You need to install the USB drivers for it but I have no idea where to get them. My computer just automatically installed the driver (windows 10)


Looking at the Mackie web site it says 2x2 for USB I/O. I would take this to mean 2 channels in and 2 out. With ASIO4All if it could see other channels it would definitely present all channels in to the DAW if they existed.

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