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1 answer

Change audio's frequency, but still sound similar

I have some WAV format audio files with a frequency of 48Khz and I want to load them into the program I'm making. The program however only accepts up to 44.1Khz (CD music quality) due to hardware ...
Protofall's user avatar
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2 answers

App that quickly analyzes waveforms and displays tones

I used to have a light program on my PC that would let you record a short audio file and would display useful information such as note length and tone. It was an extremely helpful tool for ...
Crishpax's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Audio editing program that acts like Premiere Pro

For simple audio editing, right now I use Premiere Pro. I know it's weird; using a video editor for audio editing, but it's the easiest for me right now... So what I mainly like about cutting in ...
Shane Smiskol's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Help on programming this synthesizer sound?

I am new to StackExchange and I just have a few questions. The sounds I would like to replicate are in this song, being around :40 and 1:15 to hear it the clearest. It sounds like more of a bass sound ...
RevolverOcelot's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

copyright question

hello all sound designers! I have a question about the sound material that comes with a program like Logic Studio Pro 9. It has tons of sounds and parts of music in there. Can i use them on my ...
Nikos Chatzigeorgiadis's user avatar
4 votes
9 answers

Sound design Education

What schoold did you attend to get into the sound design field? Where your experiences good? I am looking at VHS. Any reccommendations for good sound design programs that will prepare me for the field?...
Stanford Kekauoha's user avatar