When playing some deep sounding audio files, it sometimes happens that the speakers/headphones crack. This happens randomly across various operating systems, audio players and speakers/headphones.
The crack noise is not part of the audio recording. And if it happens, it always happens just a fraction of a second after playback started. Question now is, what causes it and how can it be fixed in Audacity or Garage Band?
Normalizing the whole audio file in Audacity to -13 dB makes it less likely that the crack sound happens, but does not reliably fix the issue. It also has the side effect of lowering the volume too much, so it's not a good fit.
Audacity's Spectogram
view shows a bright white line on the frequencies between 250 and 400 Hz. Using Audacity's Graphic EQ
and setting these frequencies to -20 dB (minimum value) colors the bar yellow, but still occasionally causes the clip to crack and also lowering its volume too much, so it's not a good fit neither.
Unfortunately I'm having zero knowledge of signal processing, and only some basic knowledge of Audacity/Garage Band, so your advise on how to get rid of this cracks is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Edit: Here's an example wav file.
Edit 2: File removed from server. At the end, the decision was made to simply not use the troublesome audio clips. Thank you very much for all the advise.