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Questions tagged [license]

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2 answers

What is the Sampling + license?

In a site where i wanted to download a sound track to use in my project, i read that the license of that sound says: "This work is licensed under the Sampling+ License." link What does this mean ...
Rasul's user avatar
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Credit/compensation to use design in sequel

I am a sound designer for theater and have a question about credit/compensation for past work. I designed sound for a production at a regional theater, and this year a sequel is being mounted. I got ...
he_artburns's user avatar
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Dolby License for a feature film

I've been working on a feature film and the producers want to offer it to the distributors (we want to release it on the DVD for now). One of their requirements is to have a Dolby License for the film....
Bob's user avatar
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Logic Pro sound effects library license

Hi. I'm thinking about using the sound effects that comes with Logic 9, but I can't find the license anywhere, so I don't know what I am allowed to do with them. Does anyone know where it is?
Magns's user avatar
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International Partnerships

If an online business is set up with one founder in the USA and the other in Canada, anyone know what kind of business license and taxes you have to pay for such a endeavor? Its an Online only, no ...
C3Sound's user avatar
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Sample library licensing issue re. computer games

Hi all, I'm fairly new to sound design so at the moment I'm looking to supplement my own recordings with various sample libaries. I've had a look at the ones from Rabbit Ears, The Recordist, et al and ...
tjohnston's user avatar
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2 answers

Copyright/Creative Commons for Software

So, after a few days hard play with Max/MSP, I've built myself a little noisemaker that I think a lot of people would really enjoy. I plan to make it available to all my aurally oriented friends (...
g.a.harry's user avatar
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pirate audio samples - how risky is it really? [closed]

I did a quick search for some information regarding sound design and legal issues, sound samples licensing, etc. though couldn't find anything too specific. For some time now I've been downloading ...
kampana's user avatar
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