Is anyone out there familiar with stereo-to-surround (upmixing) software like Waves UM226 or TC Electronics Unwrap and the Broadcasters' (Discovery or National Geographic) acceptance/knowledge therein?

Thx much

Waves UM226
(source: waves.com)

  • J. Martin, I'm also downvoting this question as it doesn't really pertain to the topic of sound design. Are you trying to use said software to design a sound or is this more of a technical question? (If design related, I'm happy to remove my negative vote.) Commented May 6, 2010 at 21:20
  • Just googled "TC Tools Unwrap", so do you mean plugins to convert from stereo to surround? Sorry if I'm not getting your question. Would you like to give a bit more info? Commented May 6, 2010 at 21:32

1 Answer 1


Check out this thread and this thread at Gearslutz, which discuss upmix solutions.

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