I made a lesson and would like to put it on the web. I have the audio recording of it. I also have the slides. I made them using Keynote, and then can export them to pdf.
I now need to integrate the two so I make a video with the slides as the visual part and the audio as the auditory part.
Usually I do the following: open the audio in Audacity. Go through the whole audio cutting the pauses, the repetition, ... Then with the cleaned audio, open iShowU HD, start recording, open the first slide, run the audio, move the slides along, stop recording. I then cut the first few seconds and store that.
This is very complicated, and what's worse it is very unforgiving. If half way I make a mess with the slide movement or I speak, I need to start again.
I need some other program where I can insert the audio, the slides, and he just records at what time to move on. ANd then I can go and change the number of seconds after which it mad e a slide change. Without starting again.
Any suggestion?