in Ableton you have following parameters on every Delay Plug-In: Simple Delay, Ping Pong Delay, Filter Delay and Granular Delay.
The time between the synced Repeats is determined by the Numbers in the Yellow Boxes (Lower numbers -> faster delay). By the Number with the % you can let the Delay groove by offsetting it from the synced Repeat. By pressing the sync button you can unsync the delay from bpm and type a value in ms.
The Feedback determines how long/often the delay is repeated (every repeat drops in some dB). So there is no possibility to say - i want exactly 5 repeats. But with a workaround -> Gate after the delay you can cut off everything after 5 repeats.
The parameter Dry/wet determines how much dry signal and how much delay you get. (if you use delay on a send return channel 100% wet makes sense)
Hope this helped!