Car tyre & surfaces recording without engine sound. I want to record different surfaces in average speed (Gravel, tarmac, mud, water, sand, etc...). Any ideas ?


2 Answers 2


A few suggestions:

  • find a downhill slope, so you can get up to speed, kill the motor and record steady state onboard sounds

  • up & stops are ok, just get up to speed & turn off the motor

  • aways are trickier, again a steep downhill slope may be the best way, even if you have to back up, get started a bit, kill the motor then slowly roll past recorders as gather speed from the slope

One thing to be aware of: some vehicles, mine included, have power steering & power assisted brakes. So when you turn off the motor your ability to steer and to stop is diminished. You will want a confident careful driver who is aware of this & does some tests before pulling up close to a recordist. Safety first!


My immediate answer would be to try and get access to an electric car - no engine noise and you can run them at fair speeds these days.

  • Well, not unless you get an audi e-tron! :P ad-spoonz.blogspot.com/2012/05/cubenx-audis-e-sound.html Commented May 26, 2012 at 7:56
  • Tesla Roadster is quite a common choice for this kind of recording - tracktimeaudio.com/?p=401
    – RedSonic01
    Commented May 30, 2012 at 3:42
  • Because it's a very lightweight carbon body car, the Tesla roadster has a lot of wind, road and body noise, and even the engine isn't all that silent. If you can, try to find a current electric non-sportscar with a normal weight and metal bodywork.
    – EMV
    Commented Jun 14, 2012 at 5:27

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