Just checking to see if anyone has some tricks to implementing chiptune style sfx's in FMOD up their sleeves?
Just checking to see if anyone has some tricks to implementing chiptune style sfx's in FMOD up their sleeves?
Hey Eric!
I answered your #gameaudio tweet with a link to Stephan Schutze. But if I understand you correctly after Miles B question then you don't want to implement pre-made 8-bit sfx, you wonder if FMOD can create them for you?
Well, it's not exactly a trick, but it could be useful: If you create pregenerated segments of a chiptune, you could use FMOD's interactive music system to stitch them together in different ways at run-time based on in-game events. You could even do this down to the note-by-note level, but I suspect that that would be much more labour than it would be worth.
Alternatively, you could concievably generate your chiptunes programatically as part of your game and feed them to FMOD as programmer sounds, but that would require some very strong programmer-fu.