Background: Am using Isotope RX7 Standard suite tools to perform audio restoration on dialogue files with multiple data corruption issues in the sequence listed below:
(a) Declip to restore the waveform peaks,
(b) dehum to eliminate low frequency harmonics and dc offset
(c) spectral repair to eliminate 8kHz frequency noise band
(d) spectral denoise to eliminate broadband and tonal noise
(e) voice denoise to clean up further
(f) equalizer to restore integrity
(g) gain to amplify as needed
Question: I am a novice in audio restoration and RX7 and have the following questions:
(a) Is there a best practice of sequencing of above operations? Or all of them independent of sequence? For example, does it make sense to apply dehum first to eliminate the dc offset (instead of declip first)? Does this affect the declip algorithm effectiveness in a positive or negative way?
(b) Is there a "sweet spot" scenario for using spectral denoise vs. voice denoise? Is voice denoise gentler for dialogue restoration?