I just got a Focusrite iTrack Solo. This has two inputs. One has an XLR jack and one has a TRS jack.
It appears that the idea was that you would use the XLR jack for a mic and the TRS jack for an electric guitar.
But I want to hook up two mics, and I have an adapter that goes from XLR to TRS (NOT TS, I know the difference!). According to some posts online, XLR to TRS doesn't lose anything, whereas XLR to TS gives a 6db reduction.
In Ableton, I tried recording with the same mic on each input. The difference I notice is that on the "instrument input" with my adapter, the amplitude of the recorded signal in Ableton appears much smaller.
On the iTrack Solo or any similar device, what's the difference between a "mic" input and an "instrument" input? Could it be that the "instrument" input lacks a preamp at all?
If so, what does that mean for my recording quality other than that the input signal available to Ableton will necessarily be more compressed (have less amplitude range)? Is a mic connected to an "instrument" input always going to have less depth and definition than the same mic connected to a "mic" input with a good preamp (such as Focusrite)?