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Using a light bulb as test / dummy load [closed]

I have an old sony str-d911 some pics I know the str-d911 is a receiver and not an amp but the specs say 100 watts per channel I tried using a 40 watt and 100 watt light bulb (as a test/dummy load) ...
Rick T's user avatar
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2 answers

Could a 3.5mm to usb adapter stand as a subtitute for external power for a condenser mic?

My dad purchased a lavalier microphone (one with a 3.5 mm connector) for business meetings and was unaware that it needed a power supply. Could a simple 3.5 mm to usb converter power it via USB? If ...
M Jordan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Power supply for single Eurorack module

I am new to Eurorack modules and I ordered a Pittsburgh Lifeforms Percussion Sequencer ( I read the online manual before ordering ...
UserSoUndSo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to determine DC Amperes required for Amplifier?

I'm trying to understand if there's any relationship between the rated wattage (RMS) of an audio amplifier and the corresponding power requirements on its power supply. Practically, if I buy an ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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1 answer

Studio mic --> Headphone jack not working

I have created a system to plug my studio mic (MXL 990) into my MacBook's 3.5mm headphone jack that consists of the following system: Mic -> AC Power supply for the mic -> 3-Prong microphone cable to ...
ALX's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Will audio interfaces power most or all headphones?

I want to buy a pair of headphones with these stats: Sound pressure level (SPL) 97 dB (SPL) at 1 mW, 300 ohms And I have this audio interface but I can't tell by the specs if it can power these ...
Glorious Kale's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

can you power the speakers through the same 3.5mm jack that you use to send sound to the speakers?

I wanted to know if the same 3.5mm cable that transmits the sound from the speaker to the player can be used to transmit the power required to drive the speakers. Are they in commercial use?
rapidclock's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Fostex FR-2 DC plug/connector

Using AA batteries to power the FR2 doesn't cut it for me anymore. For some time now I've been looking for a solution using a RC battery pack with a tamiya connection and make a tamiya to DC cable. ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 43
3 votes
2 answers

sounddevices 702, power up problems

Hi all Had to learn it the hard way yesterday. Ready to record, and the 702, just wouldnt power up. Had a fresh batt in it. Went home put in the ac, pulled the ac, and everything works again, even ...
Mikkel Nielsen's user avatar