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How do I pull up a 24FPS audio mix for a 25FPS video timeline in Nuendo?

OK so there must be a simple way of doing this but for the life of me... I am working in Nuendo 10. I have completed a mix for the original 24FPS film, but the client has decided she wants to submit ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to achieve stereo width on choruses?

There’s a certain stereo width effect usually put on vocals. It’s usually used on Choruses, I’ve noticed. The effect is a signal that sounds like its coming out of the left and right speakers ...
ReeFagbemi's user avatar
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Modify the voice of only two people to have a voice cast

A little while ago, while watching a foreign and not-so-known (in my country) TV show, for a moment I lost focus and started thinking if it would be possible for only two people, a man and a woman, to ...
Bruno Augusto's user avatar
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Is it always necessary to dub violins on movie sets?

High Strung, a recent movie with a lot of "violin-playing action" (never thought I'd say that), dubbed all of the violin playing. The actors are good violinists, but I am also a violinist and so it ...
feetwet's user avatar
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5 answers

What's the name/slang for off screen dialogue added in post for clarification purposes?

I forget exactly where I heard it, but there is a term (could be slang) for off screen dialogue added in post procuction to help clarify scenes or to add additional off screen characters. I can't ...
stumpedNJ's user avatar
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Unable to find an Audio Interface attached to the first HD card. Please check power and digilink cables. Click OK to rescan

Ok, So I'm assisting a feature film dub and while attempting to setup the tommorow's actor's template, we experienced a DAE error, whereafter PT9 HD froze... After a Force-Quit, we restarted, and ...
1 vote
2 answers

Scheduling sound edit/dubbing for TV animation

Hi, I've got a reasonable amount of experience when it comes to scheduling sound design work for games and i've doen a few short indie films which didn't really have a schedule to speak off. However ...
Donal Phillips's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are ADR scenes dark?

When you see behind-the-scenes shots from ADR/dubbing stages, they're almost always pitch black, except one or two sharp lights. Why is this? You'd think it would be more comfortable to work in a ...
David Larsen's user avatar
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Translation of weird character voices

Does anyone know how the translations of the different characters in animations like Starwars Clonewars are handled? When the sound designers are using software like Kyma to process voices, are the ...
Mikkel Nielsen's user avatar
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2 answers

Do you sit in on the mix?

I'm curious to who sits in on the mix of their Sound Design work on a movie? Do they let you in, usually? Does the Director invite you? Are you scorned at or frowned upon for being there and ...
Utopia's user avatar
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Foreign Versions

I'll be working on a project very soon that's going to be translated into five different languages. I will be doing lots of group walla and such for this project as well as ADR lines for characters ...
Utopia's user avatar
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