Apart from the obvious stuff like preamp/converter quality & size/weight, what useful new features should be invented in the next few years?
I would like;
Custom rules to stop & start recording - e.g. when an input level above -20dB is detected between 3-4am, start recording until it goes below -20db for 10 minutes.
Ability to take one mic input and route it to more than one preamp (so you can record a high & low gain version of the mic source)
GPS which writes your location & altitude to metadata during recording, with regular updates in case you move. GPS changes the clock when you cross a time zone.
Ability to create custom shortcuts/macros for the most easily accessible buttons
Voice recognition to operate the recorder
Ability to control every function remotely - via a smart phone app, a computer on the internet, a dedicated radio control (with level meters and a display)
Wireless network interface (internet or lan) to transfer recordings to my computer, and to use remote computers as a recording medium.
Ability to store metadata during recording which tracks every change of setting made by the user over time, including gain on the preamps.
Monitoring delay function - e.g. when im recording loud impacts I could add a 2 second delay so i can hear the recorded sound without hearing the actual thing simultaneously. (like confidence monitoring i suppose but more customisable)
Ability to charge mobile telephones & usb devices.
Measure air temperature & humidity, and regularly stamp the info into metadata during recording (and warning messages when temperature is too high/low for the unit to work properly)
Are there any devices that can do this stuff already ?
If someone made a product with all those features I might give up my sound devices recorder.