I'm stuck deciding between a Zoom H2n and a Sony PCM-M10 for doing recordings on the go at random if an interesting sound comes up. This will be for building a portfolio for sound design, not for a professional studio so I don't need the best of the best. I don't need any inputs because if I need higher quality mics, I would just bring my duet 2 and a mic. Anyone with experience with one or the other, or both?
Also, I know that these are stereo mics (M10 being omni), and for sound design if I'm recording any sort of one shots that are going to be mono, won't there be phase issues if I take the stereo file recorded on the Zoom or Sony and sum it to mono? I want to be able to use interesting sounds I find in both stereo and mono depending on the source I catch, but I'm afraid that the summed to mono files will introduce phase =(
Thanks ahead of time for any help!