When picking a foley mic, I've seen lots of recommendations, both hypers and shotguns, but I'm unclear as to where each would have their place in a foley kit.
If not on a soundstage getting the sounds, rather in an apartment, would one pattern be preferred over the other... or do dialogue rules apply (hyper/super), even when doing small sounds like keyboard tapping, mouse clicking, pencil writing, etc.
I've seen lots of praise for the Neumann KMR81i, as well as a hyper like MKH8050.
And, sorry to get so specific, but I'm going to purchase an AT4050 because I really like the sound, so would buying this make it more reasonable to go for the shotgun for foley when trying to build a kit? I've seen the Neumann TLM 103 recommended for foley, and the 4050 is another LDC...