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3 answers

Is it possible to record higher frequencies using multiple microphones sampling in lockstep?

I have only a basic understanding of audio, so this may be somewhat naive, but is it theoretically possible to record frequencies above what microphone allows by using multiple devices sampling in ...
urxvtcd's user avatar
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Pitch-Shifting makes sample sound out of tune

I recorded a guitar sample using a seemingly in tune guitar, and the raw sample sounds in tune also. However, when I pitch shift the sample down by EXACTLY 400 cents (using FL Studios built-in pitch ...
nobosity's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Interpreting sampling rate of mp3 files

I thought mp3 encoding doesn't have a uniform sampling rate, how then sox --i shows sampling rate field for mp3s? I see 44100 sampling rate for an mp3 file.
user13107's user avatar
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Why I hear shrieks that have the same pitch as sample rate when the frequency of the signal is very small?

Usually, human can't hear sound with a frequency lower than 20 Hz, but what's confused is, some very slight shrieks generate after I sampled a 1 Hz sine wave with a high sample rate. To be precise, ...
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