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Questions tagged [building-a-soundtrack]

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How are professional "instrumental" soundtracks created? [closed]

I would like to know how professional instrumental soundtracks and sounds for movies or other types of media are generally created. Here is a soundtrack from a video game in which I am specifically ...
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How do I find the common audio between mp3 audio tracks?

I have a folder of nearly identical .MP3s, but each with a different voiceover mixed in. I'm trying to dump the tracks without the voiceovers. I've tried aligning two of them to the nearest sample, ...
kelzebub's user avatar
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Choosing a balance between soundtrack and voice

I've recently purchased a nice microphone and recording setup. However, my environment isn't as quiet as I would like. My goal is to make voice tutorials for software developers. I own a fair count ...
John Haugeland's user avatar
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Pro Tools Removing Sound After Bouncing To Quicktime Movie

After having created a project with Pro Tools which includes a movie that I have added audio tracks to, after I bounce the project to a Quicktime movie via this option in the file drop-down menu, I ...
Enchanter's user avatar
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13 answers

Examples Of The Anempathetic Effect

Last night I watched We Need To Talk About Kevin and was really impressed with the use of sound. British sound designer, Paul Davies, did an excellent job of helping the story evolve and, in ...
Colin Hunter's user avatar
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Difference in sound between animation and real shot film.

Hi guys! I'm doing research on the differences in sound between animation and real shot film movies. What are the differences and what are the similarities? Is animation becoming more and more '...
Peter-Paul's user avatar
8 votes
18 answers

Movies made to make you feel uncomfortable

Went to see Insidious over the weekend. A bit of a scary one I thought! Usual shock tactics where sound was concerned but it did the job of making me crap my pants a few times pretty well! There was ...
Andy Lewis's user avatar
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Building the soundtrack

A while back I had the opportunity to work directly with Sound Editor Richard Hymns - we flew him in an he and I spent about 3 days in my studio working with me to tweak some sound editing + design ...
Phonetical's user avatar