You can see the difference between a very low-bitrate mp3 & an unsullied file with a spectrograph; but you can also hear it.
By the time you're up in the decent file-types, high-Q mp3 & AAC, I very much doubt you'll ever be able to tell. An officially-purchased AAC from such as iTunes can often be quantitively better than an accurate rip from an old CD. There's a huge amount of 'wishful optimism' about FLAC files. People forget that a lossless version of a poor original is still poor.
See this QA on our sister site, Music Fans - Original recording of Traffic's The low spark of high heeled boys — good sound quality? for a more detailed explanation of why this might be.
If the tracks were ripped from CD, the metadata is just what was found as 'closest match' from a CDDB lookup* [either automatically or by user-selection if multiple matches were found]. It's not guaranteed accurate in the first place. Two people ripping the same CD on the same software could end up with dramatically different metadata.
This is also trivial to copy/paste between files.
*CDs do not contain any computer-readable metadata. CDDB & others use a fingerprinting method, which is not infallible.