I need to equalize my system, want to use software-based solution, preferably free. On windows computer I used Equalizer APO and was very happy with it. On MacOS i've found this excellent guide https://superuser.com/a/321791/144657 . Soundflower+AU Lab worked as inteded, sounded good.
But I faced big problem with it: after a minute or two the sound starts buzzing, like it's clipped, the intensity of it quickly rises, and then in AU Lab the message appears "System Overload. The audio engine was not able to process all required data in time.", and the sound gets back to normal again, and this cycle begins again.
My computer is base model 2013 Macbook Air, should have enough power, no process us using more than 20% of CPU while playing. Tried Jack Audio with the same result even before inserting AU Lab in the chain.