In Pro Tools, I can add a new playlist to a single track using the track's Playlist menu: alt text

And if I hold down option it will create a new playlist for all tracks in the session.

How do I create a new playlist just in the selected tracks? Or, as an alternative, for all tracks in a group?

2 Answers 2



If you hold down Shift+Alt it serves as an "apply to all selected" Same for solos, comping, applying inserts, sends, etc.

  • After adapting this to Shift+Opt for Mac, worked like a charm.
    – BenV
    Commented Jan 21, 2011 at 3:50
  • Hi BenV... Yes, sorry shift+opt I'm getting used to my new mac keyboard which puts an "alt" on there!
    – jlebre
    Commented Jan 21, 2011 at 23:54
  • Protools 9 tip: have the tracks selected and press ctrl+\ I think it's ctrl anyway can never remember w/out actually be on the spot doing soemthing
    – jlebre
    Commented Jan 26, 2011 at 14:39

If I understand you right, I think you just need to group the tracks, make sure the group is enabled, and then make a new playlist as usual.

  • Does it matter if it's a Mix group vs an Edit group?
    – BenV
    Commented Jan 14, 2011 at 11:55

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