I feel like this must be a common scenario, but here you go.
You are approached with a film, as always the Producers/Director tell you the budget is tight as is the deadline. They immediately go into the sales pitch on how amazing and unique their film is and ask you if you'd like to participate.
My response is "sure, if you can send over a screener, we can get an idea of what this film really needs sound-wise. We can go from there"
The screener comes and it is immediately obvious that you have been over sold on the whole thing and you dont think this thing will be a good piece of art or even be something profitable.
Now they are hounding me for a quote, trying to move the project forward. I want to be politely, but I really want to tell these guys that they should scape they whole thing.
What would you say to these guys and how can I avoid this awkward situation in the future?
Much love,