
Would anybody here happen to have recordings of children babbling/laughing/chatting away? More specifically aged between 4 and 12?

Will swap sounds you send me for recordings of a football game here in Zürich (lots of cool chanting, jeering, booing)

Anybody interested?


  • 1
    What language do you want it in? I have children playing, chatting and singing but it is in mixed zulu/Khosa.
    – oinkaudio
    Commented Jul 28, 2011 at 8:26
  • Sorry for being totally dof...It needs to be in German.. I'm meeting a female friend a bit later on who I think I can cheat the recording with. Thanks for the offer.
    – Kurt Human
    Commented Jul 28, 2011 at 17:07

1 Answer 1


Hi Kurt

It seems like you have this covered now.

However if you need more recordings, I have some German primary school kids from Hamburg on my site, Airborne Sound (www.airbornesound.com).


They are a small handful of ambiences, recorded with an H4n at various distances. Some are interiors, some are exteriors.



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