Hi boys and girls,
I've got a meeting with the owner of an indie SFX label next week. The idea is that I'll do some recording for him while I'm travelling around. In the email he mentioned a "contract/flat rate/buyout" agreement.
I understand how that works for say, lawyers and graphic designers, but I was wondering how it would apply to SFX recording specifically.
- Is he going to offer a rate for a set number of sounds?
- Will he give me a list of things he wants and only pay when I've delivered in full?
- Will he leave me to my own devices and approve/disapprove when I deliver?
- Will I be able to retain the rights to at least use the samples when I've handed them over? or will i have to wait a specified period before I can?
- What kind of rate should I expect/ask for?
- How up front should I be about my n00b status as far as this part of the industry goes?
- What kind of margin is he likely to get if he manages to sell them? i.e. Am I likely to end up with a major label record deal where I make pennies and he walks away with the dollars?
- Have I told you guys that you're awesome?
Sorry for all the questions, but I like to know as much as possible before I go into situations like this. Nothing worse than coming up wrongfooted when there's money involved. I remember watching a Dan Ariely talk (probably at TED) where he talked about how bad people are at critical thinking when put on the spot. I'd like to get the best deal I can out of this.