Can I get a VST plugin of a denoiser for cubase 5? Steinberg products like Nuendo and Cubase are very similar, I would like to use Cubase 5 like I use Neundo 3 for dialgoue editing and cleaning.

Steinberg Cubase http://www.steinberg.net/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u=0&file=uploads/pics/visual_products_cubase5_jhdregfhjegsh_82.jpg&t=1272817273&hash=d1967a4b1eb868e93e69162a3fa1491b

4 Answers 4


Have a look at iZotope RX ($349).

iZotope RX
(source: izotope.com)

  • RX is good choice... Commented Apr 30, 2011 at 20:32

At the bottom end of the scale you might want to try Voxengo's Redunoise ($100), and at the top there is [Sonnox Restore] [$1900]5. Personally I would stick with [Nuendo] or purchase Wavelab 7 when it is released later this year, as it will have the Sonnox Restore tools built in for about $700.

There are further excellent comments about noise removal software within the post "How to clean a digitally distorted recording."

Redunoise Restore
(source: sonnoxplugins.com)

  • great so you say wave lab? I was hoping cubase would have a denoiser (seeing as though it's steinberg) but ill checj it out thanks ian :D
    – JM V
    Commented Apr 25, 2010 at 21:05

There's the Waves Bundle with all its restoration tools that works great with Cubase and Nuendo (VST, Dx, RTAS)($1860).

Waves Noise suppressor
(source: waves.com)


+1 for iZotope, excellent value for money, works as a plug-in or stand alone. See my review here

Hope that helps


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