Anybody got any tips on performing noise reduction without using any of the fancy NR tools (iZotope RX, X-Noise, et. al.?). I'm one of those youngsters who has never really had to work without them, so I'm finding myself a bit flummoxed.
I'm working on a project whose primary mandate is authenticity of aspect, nothing canned, and everything as raw and real as possible. Apparently raw + real = poorly recorded, but I won't start into that. Now, I know for a fact that if I leave everything as RawReal as possible (read, do nothing to the location dialogue at all) I'm going to get a moon high stack of notes from everyone involved. So I thought I'd kick it old school and work some sushi chef magic with tight Q exacto knives.
What that means, of course, is that I've been sitting here all day playing with multiple instances of the 7-band EQ3 and the Expander/Gate Dyn 3, chopping up great swaths of room tone and mucking about with side-chains. But I just can't seem to find a setup that works for me.
The tack I've been trying to take is not to remove all of the noise, just the annoying bits, 3.2k, 15k, 6.5k, 2.5k, etc. But it all ends up sounding like they're talking into a mattress...
Any ideas on places to start? Bands to look at? thresholds and expander ratios that might work?
I'll use RX if I have to, but it'd feel like cheating.