I am looking for a text-based way to set various start and end points within a given audio file, so that whenever an end point is reached, the audio file skips to the next start point when playing. (I think the example I have below will make what I am looking for more clear.)

The closest thing that I have found to what I am looking for is a cue file, but as far as I can tell, that is intended purely to label different segments of an audio file as different tracks.

So for example, here is a cue file I have:

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"
TITLE "Unknown Title"
FILE "File.mp3" WAVE
TITLE "Track01"
PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"
INDEX 01 00:10:00
TITLE "Track02"
PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"
INDEX 01 01:15:00

This file will start playback at 00:10:00, then just continue playing. At 01:15:00, it will change the label of what is being played. What I want is something more like what the following fake cue file would do:

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"
TITLE "Unknown Title"
FILE "File.mp3" WAVE
TITLE "Track01"
PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"
INDEX 01 00:10:00 00:30:00
TITLE "Track02"
PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"
INDEX 01 01:15:00 01:30:00

The idea is that, when using this, the audio file would play from 00:10:00 to 00:30:00, then jump to 01:15:00 and continue playing until 01:30:00.

Does anyone know of a tool where I can implement this kind of thing (or if I can do it with cue files, does anyone know how)?

By the way, I know this is probably an obscure request. The purpose behind it is to have an easy way to do rough cuts of audio tracks where I have a lot of stuff I want to get rid of. For me, a text-based way like this to do this would be easier to use than a lot of the free point-and-click based tools, like Audacity.

Thanks for any help.

1 Answer 1


Take a look at the command-line utility SoX. The 'trim' effect might be suitable for your use case.

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