Hey all -
This post is in regards to relationships with other post facilities and post-production operators/creatives in your community.
I'm a part of a mid-sized post production facility. We (our department as well as the facility) often get requests from both freelancers and staff at other post facilities for tours, informational meetings, etc. We're always eager to meet with creatives in our market (even if they're comptetitors) and show off our facility.
On the other end, I also make a point of visiting other local post facilities and meeting with some of my peers in the local community.
I have a couple of questions here -
Do you make the time to socialize with your peers, who in many cases are also your direct competitors?
Do you specifically keep certain peers/competitors out of your facility?
Have you ever been specifically denied a tour at a facility in your community?
Just curious of the general vibe of other post-production communities worldwide.