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Sound Designers Vernacular / Nomenclature

I'm looking for a creative way to tag and enter metadata into my database of audio files and synth patches. I realize that any list would be particular to the person creating it but is there a way for to us to collaborate on this site, creating a list of descriptive words and phrases particularly useful in a sound design search database ?

I wondered if there were someway to collect descriptions we could share and vote up similar to how some aspects of this site works IE: when I enter tags for a post it automagically finds similar or same words. For example if 32 people had entered or maybe even voted for "be-jizzle-dazle" as a useful description then it would pop up to the top of a list of useful sound design words & phrases.

Or is there another online tool that might have been built for another purpose that I can co-opt for this task .. ?? Any comment would be awesome .. let me know what you think !

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