I love the sound of the guitar in this video: (starts at 21 seconds)
I've tried a number of things to recreate it, but I'm no expert sound designer so how you suggest I reproduce it in the box?
I've tried layering a few different distortions, then adding a flange, and automating a lowpass filter to cut out some highs and then sweep across when the saw sounding loud note hits. It was close, but just not quite the same.
The I tried something similar only I ran the guitar through a vocoder, and it made it sound a bit more synthy, but the hardest part to replicate seems to be the strong flange on that louder note.
Do you think there's some layered synth going on here? It seems difficult to get that strong synthy sound along with the chunky funk style palm muting.
On a related note if you know of a synth plugin that adds synth qualities to a guitar I'd love to hear about it!