lets break the sound up into three parts.
Sound/texture, Chords and Effects
Sound Texture
if you were to play one of the sounds in the chord it would be a string instrument, akin to the violin. Im sure you would of heard or seen the somewhere a violinist plucking strings on their violin. If you were to sample this, that would be a great place to start. Re-creating such sounds from a vst with oscillators would be super convoluted.
http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?id=2296 I just did a quick google search for free violin vst plugins, the actual video demo doesn't demonstrate exactly the effect you are looking for, but the knobs on it will make it possible if you were to set the attack to like 5 percent, decay at like 20-40% the sustain at the similar amount. and release would be at about 50%.
laying out the midi notes that you are after in the chords that you are after.
the best approach you want to use is the ADSR volume this is akin to the "ENV" tab modulator in massive. This modulation can be added to the volume of an osc's or it can be added to the cutoff. Ill leave that experimentation up to you to decide.
in this case to re-create this sound use the vst i mentioned earlier.
Now that we have the pluck, it needs to be washed out and have lots of reverb.
reverb plugins come native with any daw you have
This may not be exactly what you are after. but its definitely a point in the right direction.