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I don't understand Ableton Live's workflow When should you use Arrangement View vs Session View?

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I don't understand Ableton Live's workflow

I recently got Ableton Live, and I really really love it. The clean UI, the instruments, it just all feels very intuitive. Though I have one major problem that I just can't work at all because of it.

I come from Logic Pro, where most of your work is done in the arrangement view: You create regions (equivalent to Live's "Clips") in there, you do all of your automation there, and you sequence your song there. Though in Live, there is the Session View, and I just don't understand the proper use of it.

Am I supposed to just ignore it and do all my work in the Arrangement view just like in Logic? But then I will feel like I'm not maximizing the software's potential... Am I supposed to create my clips there, and have everything prepared in Scenes, and not touch the Arrangement view at all (maybe only for mastering) and have everything prepared so I can just hit record and play my scenes one by one? That might be good for more loop-based songs (like some of those dance tracks) but for the type of music I create (full-fledged songs with a lot of changes) there are a lot of clips that only need to play for a single bar for example. So should I just create them as a 4-bar clip, but draw notes only in the, for example, third bar? that also seems kind of weird to me.
Or maybe I'm supposed to use the session view like FL Studio's pattern list? I'm really lost...

I really need someone to explain the proper workflow in Live, and when and how to use both the Arrangement/Session views, so I can maximize my workflow.