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Todd Wilcox's user avatar
Todd Wilcox
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Placement of monitor speakers: Is it normal to hear a lot more bass when stepping back?

9 votes

What does 100Hz 12dB per octave mean?

7 votes

How to record classical piano with one microphone?

7 votes

career opportunities in sound other than films

7 votes

What are the meanings of pan(ning) and pan pot?

6 votes

How do psychoacoustic bass enhancers work?

5 votes

How to make the music sounds like playing in the picture

5 votes

is there a common low-end level for a song?

5 votes

Difference between multiple voices and chorus

4 votes

Does using a gate(expander) increase the dynamic range of an audio track and does this actually help improve the mix of the track?

4 votes

Pro Tools stems export

4 votes

Is mastering music with some automated mastering program as good as mastering by professional humans nowadays?

4 votes

Shotgun Microphone to isolate sound of golf club striking golf ball

4 votes

Tropical Ambience: creating a minimal background using synths

3 votes

Why is there noise in my spectrum analyser despite having no external devices plugged in?

3 votes

Why is Compression and Expansion of Signal to Noise Ratio used in Wireless System signal transmission?

3 votes

Label on speaker reads "120W(MUSIC), 60W(DIN)." What does this mean?

3 votes

What instrument is this?

3 votes

Scratchy noise with studio monitors

3 votes

Why does MIDI over USB appear to often have issues with latency consistency when peripherals such as mouse and keyboard deal with this effortlessly?

3 votes

Acoustic pickup solution to *only* pick up percussive sounds?

3 votes

Can I use a guitar effects pedal for any electric instrument?

3 votes

Tips and tricks for recording a trumpet

3 votes

How do feedback eliminators work? Can they be time domain?

2 votes

What is Sound Design in the context of synthesizers

2 votes

How to simulate distance with lavalier mic in post-processing

2 votes

List of Fourier coefficientes to simulate musical instruments

2 votes

How to improve guitar sound quality and production?

2 votes

How do the outputs on this audio interface work?

2 votes

Should the phase shifting caused by using analog EQ be a serious consideration?